woensdag 27 maart 2013

My skin routine

Today I'll talk a bit about my own skin routine. It has taken me quite a long time to find the perfect routine for my skin, but I feel like I'm getting there. It takes a while before you see the results on your skin when using a new product or routine, so be patient if you don't see results within a week or two. Your skin is unique and product lines created to appeal to a large crowd might not fit your needs.

I wash my face twice a day using very mild, calendula soap and some luke warm water . When I have make up on (which is a rare thing these days) I use a 2 step face wash. First I use vegetable oil remove make up and wash my face with soap afterwards. I pat my face dry and apply a toner. I try to vary between toners, right now have one with rose. Sometimes I use just plain rose water  or green tea.
In the morning I use a soft and light cream, in the evening I usually go for a caring oil.

I scrub once a week with a mixture of sugar and baking soda, and mix it together into a paste. Although I really love the smell of my beloved sugar and oatmeal scrub, I've noticed this mixture is much better for my skin. I follow with a green clay skin mask.

When I shower I usually just wash myself with water, and sometimes I use soap just because I like the smell. I try to use as little soap as possible, I've found my skin is less dry and water will make you just as clean.
Once a week I scrub using either a sisal scrub glove or sea salt. If I want a very mild scrub I use my scrub bar with almond. I follow with some plain cherry pit oil or one of my body butter bars.

Hands & feet
I really should pay more attention to my hands and feet. I try to scrub my feet once a week with a pumice stone, followed by some good vitalizing cream. I should try to give myself a relaxing foot bath more often.
I work a lot with my hands, but all I ever do is put some cream on there. I've made some great powders for a hand bath but I never really use them. My hands could definitely use a bit more attention.

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