zondag 24 maart 2013

No buy update

In december I started 2 no buy challenges. One of them was a no buy for everything except school stuff for one month, the other one was a 3 month no buy for clothing.

My one month no buy went really great, I only bought a book. Sale at the book store is really just too hard to resist for me. It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be, and I think in the future I will try no buys more often, it's a great way to think about what you really need and keep your bank account healthy.
It made me clear out a lot of stuff I no longer need, giving it to other people, second hand stores and selling stuff on line. This place now feels a lot cleaner and neater.

My no buy didn't really go so well, I bought some  things for this spring and summer at the second hand store and at flea markets. It's so hard for me not to buy things I like when I see them, because I know you only have one shot at buying them. The no buy made me think about my wardrobe, I donated the clothing that no longer fits or stuff I hardly ever wear to charity. I try to combine things in a different way and I reorganized my wardrobe so it's easier to see what I have.

I think I could have done better at the clothing no buy challenge, but it did help me to reorganize and look at my wardrobe in a different way.

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