A quick and easy recipe for a lavender toner. Lavender has a calming scent and has anti bacterial properties. It's also effective for acne prone skin, and I just love the smell.
125 ml of water or rose water
lavender buds
one teaspoon of vegetable glycerine
2 drops of lavender essential oil
1 drop of tea tree essential oil
2 drops of sweet orange essential oil
Heat the water or rose water, but don't let it boil. Fill an empty tea
bad or tea infuser with the lavender buds and place it in the water for
about 15-20 min. Let the water cool down and add the vegetable glycerin
and essential oils. You can store the toner a bottle or a spray
In this case the mixture turned out a bit purple/pink. I've also seen lavender tea turn greenish, I think it might have to do with the water's temperature.
Super! Lijkt me een hele fijne toner, mijn vertrouwde rozenwater maar dan met fijne extra toevoegingen :)